Standard Guitar Chords (Part One)

Once you feel comfortable playing the easy guitar chords from the previous lesson, we’ll move on to more standard chords that use most or all of the six strings of the guitar. These chords will sound deeper and more full, like a band or orchestra, because they include both ‘piercing’ high notes and ‘deep’ bass notes.

To make the chords sound clear, be sure to exclude the strings marked with an X. You can mute the string with a free finger or avoid strumming the string altogether.

Once you’ve tried the chords a few times, the next step is to practice transitioning from one chord to another smoothly. This can take weeks to months of practice every day to get comfortable with, but it is worth the effort, and this is your gateway to playing your favorite songs accurately.

Try the following chord transitions, practicing each in a loop for a minute or two at a time:

Em to A

Em to G

G to C9

G to D

D to C9


And then we can use longer chord progressions, such as:

D to C9 to G

G to C9 to Em to D

C9 to G to Em to D